Thermal insulation coatings have been applied within Many Steel and Aluminum designed ships operating in extreme conditions globally for over 15 years.
Based on the products thermal performance , its lightweight composition , and ability to greatly reduce or elimnate condensation issues , our ceramic-based thermal coating can be used as a stand-alone insulation or with traditional materials. Shipyard fabrication timelines are reduced significantly based on faster spray application methods compared to traditional material installation requirements. being a Non-flammable spray insulation , it can be applied whilst cutting and welding is still in progress resulting in faster overall production schedules and lower overall cost . Common Areas of Application
Control Rooms Heated Pipework Cold pipework Engine rooms Stiffeners Steam Lines Overheads Walls Interiors Benefits of Application Increased Fuel Economy (lightweight) Reduction of Solar heat gain Anti Sweat/Condensation Treatments Protection against C.U.I ( corrosion ) Lightweight - increased handling Full adhesion to odd shape surfaces Full inspect-ability at all times Does not absorb Moisture Class A Fire Rating |